Flying Over the Swiss Alps

As soon as we arrived in Switzerland, we knew that we were in for an adventure. The stunning scenery, picturesque towns, and exciting activities had us feeling exhilarated and ready to explore.

But nothing could have prepared us for the experience of paragliding over Interlaken. It was a rush like no other - a combination of nerves, excitement, and awe that left us feeling invigorated and truly alive.

Getting Ready for Takeoff

The process of getting ready for paragliding was a whirlwind of excitement and nerves. We met with our individual instructors and were immediately struck by their professionalism and expertise. As we made our way towards the mountain, we chatted with them and got to know a little bit about their background and experience.

Once we arrived at the takeoff site, our instructors gave us a quick overview of how the gear works and explained the safety procedures. They made sure that we were comfortable and understood everything before we took off.

A selfie before jumping Grabbing a selfie before we jump off this mountain side!

But before I had a chance to say goodbye to my wife, we were already running and taking off over the trees! It all happened so fast, but the adrenaline rush was incredible. We felt like we were floating freely as we soared through the sky, taking in the breathtaking views of the Swiss Alps. It was a moment of pure exhilaration that we’ll never forget.

Soaring over the Swiss Alps

Flying through the air was an indescribable journey. We soared over the trees and glided through the sky, feeling weightless and free. As we looked down, we could see the town of Interlaken stretching out beneath us, with the rivers and waterways glinting in the sunlight.

Aerial view of Interlaken A view of Interlaken from above

We flew very close to the Harder Kulm, and could even see tourists out on the balcony area waving to us. It was an incredible feeling to be up so high, with nothing but the wind rushing past us and the breathtaking views of the Swiss Alps all around.

Our instructors were a wealth of knowledge, sharing insights and information about the town and their journey with paragliding. It was a thrilling and educational experience all at once.

Sometimes you get lucky

Unlike me, my wife was able to steer her paraglide and she absolutely loved it! She felt like a bird, soaring through the sky with the wind in her hair and the stunning views of Interlaken stretching out before her. It was an incredible feeling to be able to control the direction of the paraglide and to navigate through the air like a pro. She even got to do a few fun maneuvers, swooping and diving through the sky with a huge smile on her face. It was a moment of pure joy.

Landing Safely

Our landing was incredibly smooth and graceful, almost too easy! As we glided down towards the ground, our instructors guided us on how to sit and move our feet for the landing, making it a stress-free process. We landed in a park where all the other paragliders and skydivers would land, feeling exhilarated and excited by the entire adventure.

Before landing, we did some amazing turns that got our hearts racing, adding to the thrill of the experience. Once we were on the ground, our instructors shared the images and videos they took while we were up in the air, showing us the incredible views and maneuvers we had done. It was such a seamless and easy process, and we felt like we were in good hands the entire time.

Reflecting on the experience as a whole, paragliding over Interlaken was one of the most incredible and memorable experiences of our lives. The feeling of soaring through the air, weightless and free, with the breathtaking views of the Swiss Alps all around us, is something that will stay with us forever. It was a moment of pure joy and exhilaration, and one that we would recommend to anyone visiting Switzerland.

Looking Back on our Experience

Paragliding over Interlaken was an unforgettable experience that we will always cherish. From the moment we took off, the feeling of weightlessness and the stunning views of the Swiss Alps left us breathless. The thrill of flying through the air and the excitement of steering our own paraglides was simply exciting. Landing safely on the ground and having the opportunity to relive our experience through photos and videos made the whole experience even more special.

If you’re planning a trip to Switzerland, paragliding over Interlaken with a reputable company like Paragliding Interlaken is an absolute must-try experience. It’s a unique way to see the stunning landscapes and to add a bit of adventure to your trip. Make sure to follow all the safety instructions given by your instructor and have the time of your life soaring over the Swiss Alps.

Trust us, you won’t regret it. So, what are you waiting for? Take the leap and soar through the skies of Switzerland! And if you do, don’t forget to share your experience and tag us on Instagram. We can’t wait to see your pictures and hear all about your incredible adventure!